Spring has well and truly arrived with wildlife bursting into life. It’s the perfect time to get out and explore our woodlands, which are awash with spring flowers… – and whilst you are there you could help with wildlife conservation.

You don’t have to be an expert to make a valuable contribution to local wildlife. The East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty have organised a simple Violet hunt to run throughout May and June and would love you to join in.

Violets are vital food for the caterpillars of two of our rarest butterflies, the Pearl Bordered and Small Pearl Bordered fritillaries. By hunting for the violets, it will reveal where these butterflies might be found.

“It’s a great excuse to go for a walk in the woods, perhaps taking your children or grand children with you, and look at the beauty and variety of spring flowers in the wood and help us benefit wildlife at the same time.

We have a special page on our website which has a lovely video about the life of the butterflies and a guide to how to carry out the survey” said Pete Youngman the East Devon National Landscape Project Officer.

To find out more about the survey and how you can get involved visit our Conservation for everyone page.