East Devon National Landscape Joins Big Butterfly Count 2024

East Devon National Landscape Joins Big Butterfly Count 2024

The East Devon National Landscape will be supporting the Big Butterfly Count this summer, a nationwide citizen science initiative led by Butterfly Conservation. Running from July 14th to August 6th, this event invites people of all ages to spend 15 minutes in an...

Welcome to East Devon National Landscape

Today marks the start of a new chapter in the story of designated Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (National Landscapes) in England and Wales. The new name reflects our national importance: the vital contribution we make to protect the nation from the threats of...
Exploring National Landscape Water Challenges & Opportunities

Exploring National Landscape Water Challenges & Opportunities

On July 6, 2023, our East Devon National Landscape summer event hosted South West Water (SWW), Westcountry Rivers Trust (WRT), and the East Devon Catchment Partnership (CBA) for a half-day event at East Budleigh Village Hall. Centered on the theme “Challenges...