As native species continue to decline and their habitats disappear, we all need to do more to ensure nature has a future. As part of our Commitment to Nature, we are expanding our conservation work with the ambitious aim of protecting 8 special species – our elusive 8...
Saving Special Species – Update
The Grey Long-Eared Bat Project The East Devon Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Team and Bat Conservation Trust are working together on this exciting project, in both East Devon and West Dorset, to help enhance wildflower meadows in these areas to benefit both bats...
#SavingSpecialSpecies – protecting endangered species
Devon is rich in wildlife and important for the conservation of many species. At least 1,600 species that occur here are considered to be either threatened with extinction in the British Isles or are nationally scarce. Our wildlife is in crisis and we need to act now...
Woodland flower survey launched to help protect rare species in East Devon
Spring has well and truly arrived with wildlife bursting into life. It's the perfect time to get out and explore our woodlands, which are awash with spring flowers... - and whilst you are there you could help with wildlife conservation. You don’t have to be an expert...
Saving the Grey Long Eared Bat
The Grey long eared bat needs our help. With as few as 1000 bats, located in 8 main maternity roosts spread across the south of England, we need to act now to prevent their extinction in the UK. We’ve committed to doing the best we can for this rare mammal locally,...
Exploring Water Management
In East Devon, water plays a vital role in our natural landscapes and communities. However, the pressing concerns related to water pollution, agricultural practices, flooding, and other pressures on our water systems cannot be ignored, especially in the context of...